We are so pleased to announce the return of our annual Spring Bible Conference for 2023! We the saints at Crossroads look forward to enjoying fellowship and ministry under God’s Holy Word, and we warmly invite you to join us.
Time, Format, and Food
The conference will be held, God willing, on Saturday, April 29th—Sunday, April 30th, 2023. Snacks and coffee will be provided in between teaching sessions. On Saturday morning, a light breakfast will be provided, and lunch after the meetings end for the day. On Sunday, lunch will be provided.
Conference Speakers & Topics
Our scheduled speaker is Tom Irwin of ? Chapel in ?, Pennsylvania. We are praying for our great God to lead these men as they prepare to teach God’s Word. We also pray that God would prepare our hearts and minds to receive their teaching and make our thoughts, words, and actions more like those of the Lord Jesus.
Need somewhere to stay?
If you are in need of somewhere to stay overnight during the conference, room and board will be provided free of charge by the saints at Crossroads Bible Chapel. If you plan on staying in the area please contact Jared Bruneau (774-929-5571 or jaredbruneau10@gmail.com) with the following information:
- the number of people in your group
- their first and last names
- their ages
- and the nights you will be staying.
Whether you can stay Friday, Saturday, Sunday night or any combination of the three, we would love to see you!
Helpful Links
You also might find the following links helpful as you plan your weekend with us.
Until the Lord Jesus returns,
The Believers at Crossroads Bible Chapel